Health effects of yogurt

Yogurt-rich diets are associated with less weight gain over time

The data, published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2014, showed people who ate more than three servings of…

Eating yogurt may curb waist circumference

While some calorie-conscious people may drop dairy products when they're dieting, there are some evidence suggesting this strategy could backfire.…

A healthy lifestyle helps to beat type 2 diabetes

There is a lot of evidence that lifestyle changes can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Keeping muscles strong with yogurt

Selected for you this week: how can yogurt help top athletes stay on top of their game, a tip from…

Yogurt, a food to help boost bone health

Selected for you this week: Why yogurt is a good food to include in your diet to boost bone health,…

World Diabetes Day: a preventive role for yogurt?

Annually on November 14, the International Diabetes Federation launches a new awareness campaign for World Diabetes Day to support prevention.…

Yogurt consumption can help to reduce the risk of hypertension

A recent study among American adults found that dairy consumption, including yogurt, may help to control blood pressure and therefore…

The impact of dairy consumption on cardiometabolic health reviewed

According to different studies on the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, dairy consumption is associated with improved glucose homeostasis and milk…

Yogurt, good for blood sugar levels

To mark Diabetes Awareness Month, let’s look at the glycaemic response triggered by different types of food.

Diabetes-friendly snack: Fresh Fruit Parfait

Selected for you this week: Make a fresh fruit parfait, a healthy diabetes-friendly snack! Every week, we bring you valuable…