You ask, we answer

You may have questions about yogurt so we’re here to clarify. You will get somes answers, based on scientific validated data.

Focus on Dairy lipids

Dairy products are a source of lipids, essential for the body’s proper functioning. For example, lipids are source of energy…

Focus on Lipids

Lipids are one of the 3 macronutrients in the diet. They are essential for the proper functioning of the body.…

Focus on carbohydrates and lactose

Carbohydrates are an essential part of our diet. They are present in a majority of foods and they provide the…

Focus on proteins

Each month, we’ll share with you the key data about one specific nutrient. For this first edition, let’s focus on…

5 foods for a healthy gut microbiota

A healthy diet is the key to a healthy body, and it starts with a balanced gut microbiota. A healthy…

Top 3 of the best diets for the environment

The adoption of healthy, sustainable diets can help reduce the risk of diseases related to malnutrition, while protecting the health…

What is whey?

When we talk about whey, people often tend to think of proteins powder for athletes. But where does it come…

Dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases (CVD): what do we know?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) carry a heavy burden in terms of death and morbidity worldwide (1) and diets have a strong…

What are the health benefits of yogurt?

A balanced diet is important to support good health and largely depends on appropriate nutritional and food intakes. Within the…

What are the digestive benefits of yogurt?

When it comes to digestion, yogurt stands out as an asset not to be overlooked in daily life. As a…