Health effects of yogurt

Certain probiotics could help women lose weight and keep it off

This recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition by a team of researchers was headed by Université Laval…

Yogurt consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 28%

New research published in Diabetologia shows that higher consumption of yogurt, compared with no consumption, can significantly reduce the risk…

Consumption of dairy products is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality

The latest data from the MONICA and MONA LISA-NUT studies show that consumption of dairy products is linked to a…

Consumption of dairy products is associated with more favourable body composition in obesity

This study examined relationships between energy, protein and calcium consumption from dairy foods (milk, yoghurt, cheese, dairy spreads, ice-cream) and adiposity…

An adequate intake of dairy products may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes

This paper critically reviews the evidence and plausible mechanisms for the putative associations between dairy food consumption and incidence diabetes.

Milk and yogurt consumption are linked with higher bone mineral density

This study from Harvard Medical School examined associations of milk, yogurt, cheese, cream, most dairy and fluid dairy with bone…

Dairy Foods and yogurt consumption is associated with more favourable body composition in obesity

Consumption of dairy products may be sometimes discouraged by concern about the risk of obesity and CVD.

HELENA: dairy consumption is associated with low adiposity and low CVD risk in adolescent girls

the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) research consortium group investigated the relationship between dairy consumption and…

Dairy products and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of cohort studies

This meta-analysis suggests that there is a significant inverse association between intakes of dairy products, low-fat dairy products, and cheese…

The consumption of dairy products reduces long-term weight gain

This longitudinal study was carried out in the USA among 3,440 adults aged 26 to 84 at the beginning of…