Health effects of yogurt

A healthy diet incorporating yogurt may be protective against diabetes

The possible effects of dairy consumption on diabetes prevention remain controversial, although some recent data unveiled growing scientific evidence for…

Is increased dairy food consumption associated with improved cardiovascular health?

According to a new study, higher intakes of whole fat milk, yogurt, and cheese are associated with improved cardiovascular health.

Prof Luis Moreno and prevention of cardiovascular diseases

The results of a Europe-wide study suggests a cardiovascular protective effect of milk and yogurt, with girls who consumed these…

Diets rich in protein and fibre can reduce risk of high blood pressure

A number of recent clinical trials suggest that dietary protein has positive effects on blood pressure.

Does a yogurt a day keep diabetes away?

A high intake of yogurt has been found to be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,…

Consumption of high-fat dairy products is associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes

New research presented at this year's annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in Vienna,…

Consumption of dairy products reduces risk of fracture in older adults by 40%

This study shows that older adults with a higher intake of milk and dairy products have a reduced risk of…

Milk products, fractures and risk of mortality: a different perspective

A Swedish study reports that, in women particularly, fermented milk products -yogurt and other soured milk products-and cheese consumption were…

No increased risk of ovarian cancer linked to consumption of dairy products

High lactose intake has been suggested to increase epithelial ovarian cancer risk.

Love Your Bones and become a member of IOF

Be a Love Your Bones champion and help the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) reach its target ‘One million + 1’…