Health effects of yogurt

How social media can promote teenage health

Here at YINI our mission is to promote and advance scientific knowledge on sustainable and balanced diets, and we’re always…

Can yogurt contribute to a long and healthy life?

If you’re a yogurt-lover, research says that you may have chances of living to a ripe old age. Latest research…

Overcoming acne: probiotics show promise

We’ve all been there – a hot date coming up and right on cue, the spots have erupted. But for…

Does yogurt hold the secret to a sparkling smile?

Does the secret to a sparkling healthy smile lie in an everyday serving of yogurt? Latest research suggests that eating…

Can a yogurt a day help keep diabetes at bay?

As you tuck into your yogurt with gusto, you can be confident that it’s doing you a power of good…

Dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases (CVD): what do we know?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) carry a heavy burden in terms of death and morbidity worldwide (1) and diets have a strong…

Could eating yogurt help protect you from bowel cancer?

Eating yogurt regularly is associated with a reduced risk of bowel cancer, the third most common cancer among both men…

New must-read article: The Physiological Effects of Traditional Regional Diets in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

In a nutshell: Among all noncommunicable diseases, the Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) landscape has changed dramatically over the last decades, with…

New must-read article: Dairy Product Consumption and Cardiovascular Health

In a nutshell: The association between dairy products consumption, dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases, remains, despite the level of recent…

Is yogurt good for type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes is a type of disease that has increased in numbers over the past few years. There are two types…