Fermented food

Chicken curry and vegetables with low-fat yogurt

Selected for you this week: a recipe low in saturated fat of Chicken curry and vegetables, by Joy Bauer. Every…

Creamy cilantro bean casserole with greek yogurt

Selected for you this week: a vegetarian recipe of Creamy Cilantro Bean Casserole, by Jessa Nowak. Perfect for a weeknight…

Banana yogurt pancakes

Selected for you this week: A yummy pancakes recipe with yogurt and banana, by Christy Wilson. Every week, we bring…

Why greek yogurt can ease bloating

Selected for you this week: how greek yogurt can beat bloating and flatten your Stomach. Every week, we bring you…

New US Dietary Guidelines: what about dairy products and yogurt?

The US Dietary Guidelines are updated every 5 years, to take into account changes in knowledge of nutrition. The latest…

Factors affecting yogurt consumption in Brazilian population

Yogurt is beneficial to the diets of adults and the elderly. In this study, Possa and colleagues sought to determine…

Trends in yogurt consumption in the U.S.

Increased consumption of low-fat and non-fat milk and milk products, including yogurt forms, are part of the new Dietary Guidelines…

Cinnamon swirl yogurt startups

Selected for you this week: Cinnamon swirl yogurt startups with French toast, a recipe from the DairyGood Cookbook, presented by…

Make tzatziki with yogurt and cucumbers

Selected for you this week: A tzatziki recipe with yogurt and cucumbers, by Sara Go Gingham. Every week, we bring…

Chicken skewers with cucumber-garlic yogurt sauce 

Selected for you this week: Chicken skewers with cucumber-garlic yogurt sauce, a recipe by Katerina Petrovska. Every week, we bring…