Sustainable healthy diet

Improving dairy production for a sustainable future

People have been enjoying dairy foods for millennia but scientists are only just now discovering that cows can give more…

How to eat in a healthier sustainable way?

Food and Climate: Dialogues between a climatologist and a nutritionist Delphine Deryng is a climate and agriculture scientist, specializing in…

What are the ways to take action?

Food and Climate: Dialogues between a climate and agriculture scientist and a nutritionist Delphine Deryng is a climate and agriculture…

Food production and global warming: What are the facts?

Food and Climate: Dialogues between a climate and agriculture scientist and a nutritionist Delphine Deryng is a climate and agriculture…

Tackling climate change: scientists seek to stop dairy cows burping

It’s not just our own diet that we need to change to tackle climate change; it should also be interesting…

Eating to protect our health and planet: the recording

Discover or re-discover online our conference on “Eating to protect our health and our planet”. Online conference During a symposium at…

Eating to protect our health and our planet: overview

During a symposium at the IUNS International Congress of Nutrition, in Tokyo, Japan, the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative gathered international…

Local foods may be the key to healthy sustainable eating around the world

Green bananas, seaweed, and pepper berries may not be everybody’s cup of tea. But to others of us these exotic-sounding…

Family-based interventions to promote sustainable healthy diets

Our next symposium “Eating to protect our health and our planet” will be held during the 22nd IUNS  International Congress…

Balancing nutritional adequacy and environmental sustainability

Our next symposium "Eating to protect our health and our planet" will be held during the 22nd IUNS  International Congress…