Sustainable healthy diet

Are yogurt eaters different than other consumers?

Yogurt consumers seem to have more adequate nutrient intakes. They also tend to make other healthier food choices, helping to…

Healthy eating on a budget: yogurt could be a smart choice!

It is well established in the literature that healthier diets cost more than unhealthy diets. A new review of the…

Can a healthy diet be sustainable with meat and dairy?

Five years ago, this study was the first to demonstrate that it is possible to create a healthy diet with…

Yogurt – good food for every Body

This Digest is all about #pregnancy #childrensdiet #teenager #lactose_intolerance #sarcopenia #weight_control #T2Diabetes #healthy_snack

Do you know what are the most nutrient-dense snacks?

Snacks provide actually almost a quarter of the Americans' daily energy. In this research, Julie Hess et al. applied the…

The truth about the scientific evidence on dairy and health

Dairy are sometimes blamed, because they would increase the risk of certain chronic disease, generating skepticism among consumers, who turn…

Yogurt & sugars: attention to wisdom!

Intake of free sugar should be less than 10 % of total daily energy intake, according to WHO. But where…

Yogurt & fruits: the winning combination

Yogurt and fruits are both considered as healthy foods that have been associated with healthy dietary patterns and lifestyle. Fernandez…

Yogurt is a low contributor to sugar intake in European children

Excessive sugar intake is a public health problem. Sweetened foods are often preferred by children, who consume them a lot…

Educate children’s taste for better eating habits later in life

A child’s taste preferences, which will determine eating habits later in life, are shaped by experience, and it is important…