
Yogurt as a vehicle of healthy eating in children: the conference at a glance

Children’s health and development is driven by a healthy environment and balanced eating habits. This is quite an evidence for…

Yogurt as a vehicle of healthy eating in children – Save the date for this upcoming symposium

YINI experts will gather during the coming IV World Congress of Public Health and Nutrition, held jointly with the  XII Congress…

Dairy foods, diabetes & metabolic health

If you missed the insightful YINI Summit at ASN 2018 Boston, you can catch up on Dariush Mozaffarian’s expert presentation…

Yogurt is more than the sum of its parts

A yogurt a day, keeps the doctor away!

Consider this: Right now you are walking around with roughly 100 trillion live and diverse gut bacteria which equates to…

Lactic fermentation and bioactive peptides in the health effects of yogurt

The last YINI Summit "Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts" was held on Boston on 10th June 2018…

Low-fat dairy vs full-fat dairy: why it is key to consider the whole matrix

The last YINI summit “Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts”  was held in Boston on 10th June 2018…

Yogurt for Health: 10 evidence-based conclusions

The YINI’s 5th anniversary was celebrated in June 2018. For this occasion, YINI has published this document "Yogurt for Health…

Next YINI Summit – Learn more about Robert Hutkins

The global health effects of yogurt are beyond the single effects of each nutrients and live bacteria, as indeed, “yogurt…

Next YINI Summit – Learn more about André Marette

The global health effects of yogurt are beyond the single effects of each nutrients and live bacteria, as indeed, “yogurt…