Sustainable healthy diet

Why make Greek yogurt a regular part of your diet?

Selected for you this week: Amazing Benefits Of Greek Yogurt, by Elise Moreau of Lifehack. Every week, we bring you…

Yogurt consumption positively associated with healthy eating habits

A publication in the European Journal of Nutrition examined to which extent yogurt intake is associated with healthy dietary patterns.…

A role for yogurt in decreasing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

In the context of the 4th Yogurt Summit in San Diego, international experts discussed the latest research findings on yogurt…

Why make yogurt your healthy habit?

Selected for you this week: yogurt, a healthy eating habit to reduce the risk of developing diabetes, according to new…

Yogurt intake associated with healthy eating

In the context of the 4th Yogurt Summit in April 2016 in San Diego, we publish each week a key-study…

Yogurt consumption in children associated with healthy eating

Should I eat Greek Yogurt? 5/5 experts say yes!

Selected for you this week: five experts are huge fans of Greek Yogurt and tell us why. Every week, we…

What do nutrition experts eat for breakfast?

Selected for you this week: what nutrition experts like Joan Salge Blake, MS,RD, ate for breakfast and why. Every week,…

How greek yogurt benefits your health?

Selected for you this week: a great article on Healthline about the health benefits of Greek Yogurt. Every week, we…

New Nordic Diet as public health-strategy: what about dairy?

In the context of the 4th Yogurt Summit, we publish weekly a key-study about the topics that will be discussed…