type 2 diabetes

Can a yogurt a day help keep diabetes at bay?

As you tuck into your yogurt with gusto, you can be confident that it’s doing you a power of good…

Eating more yogurt is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

Eating more yogurt and less cheese is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, the disease that can…

Yogurt-eaters may have a reduced risk of heart disease

Worried that you’re hurtling towards heart disease? You wouldn’t be alone - along with stroke and type 2 diabetes, it…

Do dairy foods lower our risk of diabetes?

As diabetes looms on the horizon for many of us in our modern world, it makes sense to take whatever…

Unlocking the secrets of yogurt may lead to better prevention of chronic disease

If you eat yogurt, you’re less likely than others to develop a raft of health problems including type 2 diabetes,…

Diet can influence the diversity of the gut microbiota

"Yogurt with live culture can contribute to gut health" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the…

How might yogurt reduce T2D risk?

"Yogurt consumption is associated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made…

Replacing less healthy snacks with yogurt is associated with reduced risk of T2D

“Yogurt consumption is associated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes” is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions…

Yogurt consumption is associated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes

"Yogurt consumption is associated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions…

Could a yogurt a day keep diabetes away – and protect our heart and blood vessels?

A balanced diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are widely recommended to help prevent type 2 diabetes and keep…