
Skipping breakfast and kids’ weight gain: the impact of exercise

In the mad dash to get off to school on time, it can be easy for the kids to miss…

Probiotic yogurts may be designed to target children’s specific health issues

The future could see the supermarket shelves stacked with ‘designer’ yogurts and probiotic fermented milk made specifically to address different…

Opt for yogurt and cheese to avoid acne, say researchers

If you’re aiming for a great complexion, it may be worth taking a careful look at what you’re eating. Diet…

Children’s nutrition for optimal bone health

A balanced diet and daily physical activity play a key role in stimulating bone health, but what should be a…

Yogurt: a valuable impact on nutrition intake for children

Even in a society with an abundant supply of food, a large proportion of the population does not meet the…

Yogurt associated with a better diet quality among children

If yogurt may be associated with a better nutrition intake of micronutrients, recent studies show also that it may have…

The reduction in consumption of dairy products among adolescents could harm their health

Despite its contribution to nutrient intake and status, data indicates a secular decline in dairy product consumption and a tendency…

Sufficient intake of milk, fruit and vegetables during childhood reduces adiposity during adolescence

The effects of beverage intake patterns on body composition from early childhood into adolescence were assessed in 103 children in…