Yogurt initiative

Unlocking the secrets of yogurt may lead to better prevention of chronic disease

If you eat yogurt, you’re less likely than others to develop a raft of health problems including type 2 diabetes,…

Yogurt consumption is linked to healthier lifestyle

Yogurt can enhance satiety

Could yogurt be the foundation of a healthy breakfast?

Breakfast is often said to be “the most important meal of the day”, and this title is not awarded randomly.…

Yogurt for health: 10 evidence-based conclusions

6th YINI Summit: special report

Yogurt is more than the sum of its parts

Building healthy eating habits is easier than you think!

Yogurt for Health: 10 evidence-based conclusions

The YINI’s 5th anniversary was celebrated in June 2018. For this occasion, YINI has published this document "Yogurt for Health…

Nurturing children’s healthy eating through early habits