
Sustainable Diet – what does it mean?

Sustainable Diet – what does it mean? By Dr. Elin Röös (Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden) Summary written by…

Sustainable diets: the symposium’s leaflet

Which diets are the most sustainable? How is sustainability measured? Are dairy & yogurt part of sustainable diets? Those are…

Sustainable diets: the conference at a glance

Which diets are the most sustainable? How is sustainability measured? Does a sustainable diet always imply to avoid animal-based products?…

“Sustainable diets” – Save the date for our live session

"Sustainable diets": follow our next YINI symposium on Twitter Our next YINI symposium will be organized during Nutrition 2019, in…

YINI Symposium “Sustainable diets”: Meet Elin Röös

YINI experts will gather during ASN annual meeting, Nutrition 2019,  to be held in Baltimore (USA), in June 2019. The…

Sustainable diets – Save the date for our coming symposium

Our next YINI symposium will be organized during Nutrition 2019, in Baltimore USA, on Monday, June 10th 2019. This scientific…