
Eating yogurt is associated with healthier diet and lifestyle

For the 10th anniversary of YINI, we gathered the recent evidence-based science about yogurt and health effects in a sustainable…

Yogurt consumption is a marker of a healthier diet and lifestyle

Yogurt consumption is linked with healthier diet ” is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI…

The benefits of yogurt

More and more positive scientific data are published on yogurt and its effects on health.

Is yogurt part on a healthy diet?

Yes, of course. First of all, a healthy diet helps to preserve or even enhance overall health. A healthy diet…

Is lactose intolerance related to lifestyle or to eating habits?

No, lactose intolerance is not related to lifestyle but can be related to eating habits and to individual variability. Some…

Yogurt: accumulated evidences about a signature of a healthy diet

More and more studies report that yogurt consumption is associated with healthy dietary patterns. Here, Panahi et al reviewed the…

Watch the livestream with Prof Tremblay!

In the framework of the Danone Chair « YOGURT: A LONG-STANDING FOOD TO HELP RESTRAIN MODERN DISEASE » from the…

Yogurt consumption for a healthy diet and lifestyle

The keynote from Prof. Luis Moreno (Spain)* took stocks of the available scientific data on the association between yogurt consumption…

The YINI speakers at ICDA 2016: Let’s meet Prof. Luis Moreno Aznar

Our YINI Symposium 'Are we underestimating the benefits of yogurt?' will take place on the 7th of September 2016, in…

Why yogurt could be the signature of a healthy diet

The sixth issue of Yogurt Nutrition Digest is out! This new digest focuses on yogurt as a signature of healthy…