Fermentation benefits

Dairy fermentation may hold the key to better prevention and treatment of major diseases

Microbial fermentation of dairy foods guarantees extended shelf life, improves texture and flavour, and gives additional advantages relating to health…

100 years on… and yogurt’s health benefits are still to be fully revealed

Yogurt and other cultured dairy products provide a raft of recognised health roles and hold promise for further exciting benefits…

Research Advocates for Adding Fermented Foods to Food Guide

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, … and of course, fermented milks like yogurt are growing in popularity, propelled by health claims and…

The Role of Fermentation Products in the Health Effects of Yogurt

Numerous epidemiological studies reported that yogurt consumption may be used as a new biomarker of a healthy lifestyle. What could…

What are the health benefits of fermented dairy foods?

The 5th Yogurt Summit took place on October 18th, 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This fifth edition attracted a wide…

How can discoveries on gut microbiota impact our health?

During the 5th Yogurt Summit, held in Buenos Aires during ICN2017, Professor Sharon Donovan (University of California, Davis, USA) explained…

Yogurt and Health: what happens in the pot and in the gut?

Leading experts met during the latest YINI session at the 21st International Congress of Nutrition, which recently took place in…

Why fermented foods should be represented in nutritional guidelines?

Nutritional guidelines around the globe use very similar methods in presenting their concepts of the “ideal” dietary pattern, and give…

How yogurt consumption impacts gut microbiota

Numerous studies suggest that beneficial bacteria, found in probiotics, exert their health effect through the modulation of the gastrointestinal microbiota.…

How yogurt affects the gut microbiota?

The gut microbiota, a complex community of bacteria inside our gut, is more and more viewed as an important actor…