Fermentation benefits

Diet can influence the diversity of the gut microbiota

"Yogurt with live culture can contribute to gut health" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the…

The dairy matrix – why dairy foods may differ in the nutrition they provide

It’s common knowledge that dairy products are a rich source of several health-promoting nutrients, notably protein and calcium. But did…

Could fortified yogurt help fight the flab?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ll know only too well how hard it can be to persevere long…

Sizzling summers bring fatigue… but eating yogurt may revitalise you

Does a scorching hot summer sap your energy and leave you feeling tired and drained? Maybe you suffer from summer…

Yogurt stands out among fermented foods for reducing risk factors for diabetes

Fermented food such as yogurt and cheese are popularly considered good for our health. All sorts of benefits have been…

A yogurt a day, keeps the doctor away!

Consider this: Right now you are walking around with roughly 100 trillion live and diverse gut bacteria which equates to…

Lactic fermentation and bioactive peptides in the health effects of yogurt

The last YINI Summit "Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts" was held on Boston on 10th June 2018…

Fermented dairy matrix: do live bacteria have a role?

The gut microbiota is gradually revealing its secrets. Its ecosystem contains about 1000 different species of microorganisms, which encode more…

Yogurt effects on health: whole matrix vs single nutrients

Traditionally, the nutritional evaluation of the relation between diet and health has focused on individual food constituents or nutrients separately.…

Manipulating the gut microbiota may be an important target for tackling obesity

Weight-loss programmes seem to be a part of everyday life with the current high rates of overweight and obesity. But…