Weight management

Eating full-fat yogurt can reduce the risk of obesity by almost a fifth

Eating full-fat yogurt daily can reduce the risk of obesity, recent spanish research has shown

The yogurt diet: what are the facts?

Research confirms yogurt consumption correlates with a host of health benefits. Yogurt-eaters who consume more than three servings of yogurt…

4 questions to Vicky Drapeau – YINI Grant Winner 2015

Dr. Drapeau's research work focuses on eating behaviors associated with weight management and prevention of obesity, nutrition and health education.

Increased dairy consumption associated with body weight reduction

Which dietary factors are associated with weight loss in a lifestyle change program? This Brazilian study reports that an increase…

Systematic review: The role of yogurt in weight management

In this recent systematic review, all epidemiological studies found an association between yogurt consumption and lower body mass index, lower…

Snack choice and BMI matters most for body fat composition

To date, the association between snacking and total adiposity or the pattern of fat deposition remains unevaluated. A new study…

What to remember from 3 decades of research on yogurt?

Yogurt consumption has been associated with health and well-being for centuries, but scientific research efforts on the potential health effects…

Eating yogurt lowers the risk of weight gain in Russia

New research reported that eating fermented dairy daily is associated with a lower prevalence of obesity. However, the effects is…

Yogurt reduces risk of overweight and obesity

Read more about the weight story of yogurt here Check out the interview of Prof. Miguel Ángel Martínez González, renowned…

Yogurt-rich diets are associated with less weight gain over time

The data, published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2014, showed people who ate more than three servings of…