Diabetes prevention

Does dairy raise insulin levels and increase diabetes risk?

Selected for you this week: A blogpost on the association between dairy consumption and a reduced risk of developing type…

Vitamin D3 fortification of yogurt reduces inflammation in diabetics

Daily consumption of yogurt drinks, fortified with vitamin D3, can help to improve inflammation symptoms in subjects, diagnosed with type…

A higher intake of yogurt is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

A high intake of yogurt has been found to be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,…

A healthy lifestyle helps to beat type 2 diabetes

There is a lot of evidence that lifestyle changes can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

World Diabetes Day: a preventive role for yogurt?

Annually on November 14, the International Diabetes Federation launches a new awareness campaign for World Diabetes Day to support prevention.…

Yogurt, good for blood sugar levels

To mark Diabetes Awareness Month, let’s look at the glycaemic response triggered by different types of food.

Diabetes-friendly snack: Fresh Fruit Parfait

Selected for you this week: Make a fresh fruit parfait, a healthy diabetes-friendly snack! Every week, we bring you valuable…

Easy snack for diabetes: Greek-Yogurt Delight

Selected for you this week: An easy and healthy snack with yogurt for diabetes. Every week, we bring you valuable…

Increase of diabetes is challenging public health care

Sources 1. IDF Diabetes Atlas, Sixth edition, 2013 2. Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2010, Geneva, World Health Organization,…

Daily yogurt consumption helps to reach nutritional adequacy

Rebalancing the consumption of milk-based products by favoring the daily intake of less energy-dense foods, such as yogurt, will help…