ASN Nutrition 2018

YINI will gather experts during the ASN annual meeting, Nutrition 2018, to be held in Boston in June 2018. The YINI summit, organized on June 10 at 12:45 am will be on “Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts”

Scientists are a step closer to understanding the health benefits of yogurt

The puzzle of why yogurt seems to be even better for us than we’d expect from its nutrient content alone…

Experts call for a re-think of guidance on dairy foods and fats

For years we’ve been encouraged to cut back on saturated fat and to choose low-fat or fat-free dairy foods in…

Choosing yogurt and full-fat dairy foods may be healthier than you think

A shake-up in advice on what we should eat is set to follow as research reveals more about how nutrition…

Dairy foods, diabetes & metabolic health

If you missed the insightful YINI Summit at ASN 2018 Boston, you can catch up on Dariush Mozaffarian’s expert presentation…

A yogurt a day, keeps the doctor away!

Consider this: Right now you are walking around with roughly 100 trillion live and diverse gut bacteria which equates to…

Lactic fermentation and bioactive peptides in the health effects of yogurt

The last YINI Summit "Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts" was held on Boston on 10th June 2018…

Low-fat dairy vs full-fat dairy: why it is key to consider the whole matrix

The last YINI summit “Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts”  was held in Boston on 10th June 2018…

Yogurt insights that might change the way you think about yogurt

Yogurt is a nutrient dense food - nothing new there. Yogurt offers live bacteria, yes, we know that too. People…

Yogurt for Health: 10 evidence-based conclusions

The YINI’s 5th anniversary was celebrated in June 2018. For this occasion, YINI has published this document "Yogurt for Health…

Next YINI Summit – Learn more about Robert Hutkins

The global health effects of yogurt are beyond the single effects of each nutrients and live bacteria, as indeed, “yogurt…