26 Sep 2019
3 min read
FENS 2019

Yogurt can be a versatile and satiating food for weight management

Barbara Rolls FENS 2019 Malnutrition Nutrient density satiety
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During FENS 2019, in Dublin, YINI experts will gather on the topic “Can yogurt address malnutrition?” on October 16th, 2019 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Discover below one of the topic of the symposium presented by Dr Barbara J. Rolls (PhD, Helen A. Guthrie Chair of Nutritional Sciences The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA)

Yogurt can be a versatile and satiating food for weight management

Yogurt can be a versatile and satiating food for weight management: Yogurt is rich in a number of nutrients that can improve diet quality. The versatility of yogurt in terms of both its nutrient and organoleptic properties has provided scientists with opportunities to explore its effects on both satiety and body weight.

Several studies help to explain why eating yogurt is associated with reduced weight gain over time as shown in population-based data.

Who is Dr Barbara J. Rolls?

Barbara J. Rolls, PhD is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and received her PhD in physiology from the University of Cambridge, England. After spending her early research career at the University of Oxford, England, Dr. Rolls joined the faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine as Professor of Psychiatry. In 1992, she became a faculty member at The Pennsylvania State University where she is Professor and the Helen A. Guthrie Chair of Nutritional Sciences.

Dr. Rolls’ research includes characterization of mechanisms that control thirst as well as studies of hunger, satiety, and obesity. Her studies that received a MERIT award from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases have demonstrated how characteristics of foods such as variety, energy density, and portion size can influence energy intake across the lifespan.

Her more than 250 research articles have been published in outstanding journals such as The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The Journal of Nutrition, The New England Journal of Medicine, Appetite, and Obesity. She has communicated to the public through the media and her six books including Thirst, The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan, The Volumetrics Eating Plan, and The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet. Dr. Rolls has served as President of both the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior and The Obesity Society. She has also served on the Advisory Council of NIDDK and on the National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. Her awards include: Honorary Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, International Award for Modern Nutrition, Atwater Lecturer, ASN Centrum Award in Human Nutrition, The Obesity Society’s George A. Bray Founders Award and ASN’s Fellows Class of 2011.