YINI summit

Sustainable diets – Save the date for our coming symposium

Our next YINI symposium will be organized during Nutrition 2019, in Baltimore USA, on Monday, June 10th 2019. This scientific…

Unlocking the secrets of yogurt may lead to better prevention of chronic disease

If you eat yogurt, you’re less likely than others to develop a raft of health problems including type 2 diabetes,…

Yogurt is more than the sum of its parts

Lactic fermentation and bioactive peptides in the health effects of yogurt

The last YINI Summit "Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts" was held on Boston on 10th June 2018…

Low-fat dairy vs full-fat dairy: why it is key to consider the whole matrix

The last YINI summit “Yogurt, more than the sum of its parts”  was held in Boston on 10th June 2018…