
Why are fermented foods good for you?

The interest of scientists in the secrets of fermentation has been growing in recent years. This technique, whose beginnings of…

Five great-tasting fermented foods to help your health

If you’re looking for a tasty way to contribute to your health, here’s your answer. This recent publication tells us…

Fermented milks: take a look back in 2019

It’s time to look at one of the main topic we covered in 2019: Many publications on fermentation benefits and…

What is Kefir?

For centuries, fermented milks have provided essential nutrients and health benefits in human diets. Milk fermentation is as simple as…

Next YINI Summit – Learn more about Robert Hutkins

The global health effects of yogurt are beyond the single effects of each nutrients and live bacteria, as indeed, “yogurt…

Low-fat or full-fat fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, may benefit cardiovascular health

As latest research questions conventional dietary recommendations on dairy foods due to the properties of dairy fats, fermented dairy products…