greenhouse gas emission

Improving dairy production for a sustainable future

People have been enjoying dairy foods for millennia but scientists are only just now discovering that cows can give more…

Choose your low-emission diet with care

Diets that have the least impact on the environment also tend to be those that are the healthiest, this latest…

Yogurt is a nutrient-dense food with low environmental footprint

“Yogurt is part of a sustainable diet”  is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI board about the…

Simple changes to your diet may help save the environment

We all want to do more to save our planet but we still don’t know for sure how best to…

Yogurt as a sustainable food: an expert’s opinion and supporting evidence

As a nutrient-dense food, what is the place of yogurt in a sustainable diet? This Digest "yogurt as a sustainable…