
Sustainable Nutrition may be more than meets the eye

Yogurt as part of sustainable diets: new research tools, metrics, and measures by Prof. Adam Drewnowski (University of Washington, USA)…

Sustainable diets: the symposium’s leaflet

Which diets are the most sustainable? How is sustainability measured? Are dairy & yogurt part of sustainable diets? Those are…

Sustainable diets: the conference at a glance

Which diets are the most sustainable? How is sustainability measured? Does a sustainable diet always imply to avoid animal-based products?…

“Sustainable diets” – Save the date for our live session

"Sustainable diets": follow our next YINI symposium on Twitter Our next YINI symposium will be organized during Nutrition 2019, in…

Sustainable diets – Save the date for our coming symposium

Our next YINI symposium will be organized during Nutrition 2019, in Baltimore USA, on Monday, June 10th 2019. This scientific…

Can yogurt be part of sustainable food choices?

People are aware that the food, they eat, is an important factor, affecting their health. But what is less well…

The YINI abstract book from ICD symposium 2016 in Granada

Did you miss our YINI symposium 'Are we underestimating the health effects of yogurt?' during the 17th International Congress of…

The YINI speakers at ICDA 2016: Let’s meet Dr Adam Drewnowski

Dr. Adam Drewnowski is a world-renowned leader in the study of obesity and social disparities in diets and health. He is…