Yogurt and worldwide habits

Traditional African fermented dairy foods could hold the key to better health

A camel roams the Sudanese desert. On its back it carries a leather bag made of goat’s skin nestling in…

Yogurts vary widely in sugar content, survey shows

Sweet-toothed kids love the taste of yogurt that contains sugar. And this may make all the difference in helping them…

Greek or Greek-style yogurt: what’s the difference?

Greek yogurt and Greek-style yogurt are found side by side in supermarket fridges, yet their specific characteristics are not clearly…

Yogurt contributes to better overall diet quality in French adults

There is often a gap between the nutritional recommendations and what is consumed. This study, conducted in French adults, shows…

Whole dairy matrix matters more than single nutrients

The health effects of foods, such as dairy, can no more be viewed as the sum of their individual constituents.…

How much sugar do you add in plain yogurts?

Consumers underestimated by half the amount of sugar they added to plain yogurts, particularly with jam. Age, socio-professional category, and…

New US Dietary Guidelines: what about dairy products and yogurt?

The US Dietary Guidelines are updated every 5 years, to take into account changes in knowledge of nutrition. The latest…

Factors affecting yogurt consumption in Brazilian population

Yogurt is beneficial to the diets of adults and the elderly. In this study, Possa and colleagues sought to determine…

Trends in yogurt consumption in the U.S.

Increased consumption of low-fat and non-fat milk and milk products, including yogurt forms, are part of the new Dietary Guidelines…

The typical Italian yogurt consumer is healthier

This study compared specific dietary and lifestyle habits, in Italian regular yogurt consumers and non-consumers, to investigate the possible associations…