Q&A on lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is not a life-threatening condition but it can impair the quality of life. A total avoidance of dairy products is not only unnecessary for lactose intolerants, it also represents a risk of an unbalanced diet. Persons who experience lactose intolerance, can still enjoy dairy and maintain a healthy and balanced diet by adapting their eating habits and consume yogurts that contain live bacteria, which improve the digestion of the lactose, consume cheeses that contain low or no lactose and/or consume lactose-containing foods in modest amounts throughout the day, during meals, not more than the equivalent of 2 bowls of milk.

Focus on carbohydrates and lactose

Carbohydrates are an essential part of our diet. They are present in a majority of foods and they provide the…

Can you eat dairy if you are lactose intolerant?

What is lactose? Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products. It can be broken down…

Is yogurt part on a healthy diet?

Yes, of course. First of all, a healthy diet helps to preserve or even enhance overall health. A healthy diet…

Is intestinal discomfort due to lactose intolerance?

Not always. Lactose intolerance can occur when lactose maldigestion, the reduced capacity to digest lactose, results in one or more…

Is lactose intolerance related to lifestyle or to eating habits?

No, lactose intolerance is not related to lifestyle but can be related to eating habits and to individual variability. Some…

Does lactose intolerance imply to consume lactose-free food?

Lactose intolerants don’t need to consume lactose-free food. Lactose-free food is only needed for the rare infants with congenital lactase…

What do the medical organizations recommend regarding lactose maldigestion and intolerance?

Several international and national medical organizations, including the European Food Safety Agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United…

Can lactose intolerance be self-diagnosed?

It’s not possible to self-diagnose lactose intolerance. This also includes the tests you could find on the Internet, as these…

Can lactose intolerance get better?

The regular consumption of dairy food in individuals with difficulties to digest lactose could lead to an adaptation of their…

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance manifests itself by one or many of the following symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, and flatulence, which occur after lactose…