Other promising research

Opt for yogurt and cheese to avoid acne, say researchers

If you’re aiming for a great complexion, it may be worth taking a careful look at what you’re eating. Diet…

Set your sights on a regular yogurt consumption… to keep cataracts at bay?

We’ve all heard yogurt can be good for us, but who’d have thought that it might even help preserve our…

Yogurt may protect against diabetes, obesity and heart disease by curbing inflammation

You may already be choosing yogurt as a great source of healthy nutrients, especially good for maintaining strong bones. It…

Daily yogurt consumption in infancy is associated with reduced risk of eczema, preliminary research finds

Infants who are given yogurt to eat every day may be less likely to suffer from eczema due to a…

Dairy products may help protect against chronic diseases through their antioxidant potential

It’s vital for the foods we eat to combat oxidative stress as this is involved in the onset of most…

Breast cancer risk could be lower with yogurt intake

The role that dairy foods can play in the ethology of cancer is not well understood despite numerous studies, but…

How yogurt can be helpful in lowering risk of depression

Can yogurt help reducing depression risk? The answers appear to be promising. Two studies show that yogurt and its probiotic…

Dairy products and ovarian cancer: the evidence

A high-calcium and low-lactose diet may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer among African-American women, suggests a new study. Published…

Dairy products and IBD: avoiding them may not be necessary

Many people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) report that their symptoms become worse after consuming dairy products. However, research about…

Yogurt consumption does not increase the risk of ovarian cancer

New research evidence, based on a meta-analysis of different milk-subtypes, indicates that there is no association between yogurt and an…