Signature of healthy diet

Children’s nutrition for optimal bone health

A balanced diet and daily physical activity play a key role in stimulating bone health, but what should be a…

Yogurt: a valuable impact on nutrition intake for children

Even in a society with an abundant supply of food, a large proportion of the population does not meet the…

Yogurt associated with a better diet quality among children

If yogurt may be associated with a better nutrition intake of micronutrients, recent studies show also that it may have…

Yogurt consumption is associated with higher nutrient intake, better diet quality and improved metabolic profiles in children

Children who often consume yogurt may have a healthier diet and better metabolic profiles than those who don’t eat yogurt,…

Consuming low-fat yogurt may help protect against diseases by reducing chronic inflammation

Obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer are all associated with chronic inflammation. Research shows that…

Yogurt and cheese may help to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes in older adults

Including yogurt and cheese in your meals is an effective way of reducing your appetite and controlling blood glucose. This…

The power of milk in a new life cycle assessment framework

Food and diet have distinguished impact on human health and on environment. In this study, Katerina Stylianou et al. proposes…

Are yogurt eaters different than other consumers?

Yogurt consumers seem to have more adequate nutrient intakes. They also tend to make other healthier food choices, helping to…

Healthy eating on a budget: yogurt could be a smart choice!

It is well established in the literature that healthier diets cost more than unhealthy diets. A new review of the…

Can a healthy diet be sustainable with meat and dairy?

Five years ago, this study was the first to demonstrate that it is possible to create a healthy diet with…