16 Jan 2020
2 min read
Benefits for planet health

12 resolutions for a more sustainable healthy diet in 2020

resolutions sustainable and healthy diet sustainable diet sustainable eating waste
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At the Yogurt In Nutrition Initiative, we look forward to a more sustainable 2020.  Based on all the science we’ve read and the materials we’ve published on the subject, we bring you 12 food resolutions to protect our health and our planet!

We will provide you  every month  some information on how to achieve these resolutions!
We wish you a happy and more sustainable 2020!

For now, our 12 resolutions for a healthy and sustainable diet:

  • January: Eat more locally-produced and seasonal foods! If local and seasonal produce are not available, use frozen or canned options.
  • February: Limit foods with added sugar and avoid ‘empty’ calories (e.g. soft drinks, sweets).
  • March: Switch to more whole grain, unprocessed breads and cereals.
  • April: Try a more varied and diverse diet: include some of the food groups that you don’t usually eat, like pulses (beans, lentils, peas) and seeds
  • May: If you’ve been overeating, eat less: adjust your food and energy intake to the recommended levels (2000-2500 kcal/day).
  • June: Reduce food loss and waste. Plan your meals out and buy only what you really need!
  • July: Switch to a flexitarian diet. Start with plant-based foods and build your meals from there.
  • August: When it comes to food packaging, try the 3-R rule: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • September: Seek out foods that use environmentally-friendly farming methods and that respect workers and local communities
  • October: Sort your food-related waste:
    • Use all leftover food waste to make compost
    • Follow your city guidelines for recycling!
  • November: Limit your intake of red meat, such as beef and processed meat.  Think of meat as an ingredient, not as a main dish.
  • December: Eat less processed food. Do more home cooking and try out some traditional recipes!
Eat for a healthy planet and healthy live - 12 resolutions YINI

Stay tuned… in a few days, we’ll go on details on the first resolution : “Eat more locally-produced and seasonal foods”…