

Medical Doctor, Clinical Nutrition Specialist, PhD Public Health. Italy

Dr. Michele Sculati is a medical doctor and a clinical nutrition specialist, with PhD in public health and a subspecialty focus on the management of overweight and obesity; he obtained the “Certification of Obesity Professional Education” by the World Obesity Federation.

He run an ambulatory focused on the management of overweight, obesity and eating disorders, with a multi-disciplinary approach in collaboration with psychologists, endocrinologists, neurologists and physical education trainers. The ambulatory received the accreditation by the University Milano Bicocca for postgraduate medical training.

He manages basic research projects investigating portion size assessment techniques, focused on anthropometric “portion size measuring aids” using the patient hand, fist or fingers as a measuring unit. He developed and patented specific software to compute those specific kinds of diet prescription.

He is presently Assistant Professor in the master of human nutrition at the University of Milano Bicocca and at the University of Pavia.

He is Advisor to major food companies, with the aim to help in the development of better foods for our health.

He is Member of the Italian section of the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative, where he focused his attention on the role of yogurt consumption on sour taste development and acceptability in children, and its role on food neophobia.

In 2004 he received the award from the Italian Dietetic Association (BCAA metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients); in 2008 he received the award by the European Society for the Study of Obesity (relation between glycemic response to foods and ghrelin secretion).