sustainable diet

How to eat in a healthier sustainable way?

Food and Climate: Dialogues between a climatologist and a nutritionist Delphine Deryng is a climate and agriculture scientist, specializing in…

Food production and global warming: What are the facts?

Food and Climate: Dialogues between a climate and agriculture scientist and a nutritionist Delphine Deryng is a climate and agriculture…

Eating to protect our health and planet: the recording

Discover or re-discover online our conference on “Eating to protect our health and our planet”. Online conference During a symposium at…

Balancing nutritional adequacy and environmental sustainability

Our next symposium "Eating to protect our health and our planet" will be held during the 22nd IUNS  International Congress…

Re-formulating processed food: a fresh approach to achieving sustainable healthy diets

Food processing and food formulation can play a major role in achieving sustainable healthy diets for people around the world,…

Why we should eat more fermented foods

The age-old process of food fermentation may hold the key to solving two of the biggest challenges facing us in…

What are sustainable food systems?

Feeding tomorrow’s world with ever-growing population has already become a global challenge. According to the UN nations’ predictions, we will…

Enjoy the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet – anywhere in the world

Get ready for the new buzz word set to crash into our vocabulary. Planeterranean: it’s not so hard to pronounce…

What are the nutritional impacts of Flexitarian and Territorial diversified diets? (video)

People are changing the way they eat in an effort to follow a more sustainable diet. But what are the…

How can our diets protect both, human and planet health? (video)

Flexitarian, Territorial Diversified Diets, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, Vegan… these diets can help us fight nutrition-related and other non-communicable diseases, while also…