saturated fatty acids

Focus on Dairy lipids

Dairy products are a source of lipids, essential for the body’s proper functioning. For example, lipids are source of energy…

Health benefits associated with yogurt lead to a re-think on fatty foods

Fatty foods are bad and we should avoid them, right? Well, not necessarily, scientists say. It all depends on the…

Dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases (CVD): what do we know?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) carry a heavy burden in terms of death and morbidity worldwide (1) and diets have a strong…

Saturated fatty acids from dairy: an exception for cardiovascular health?

Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are generally considered bad for cardiovascular health. However, as explained in this review, in the context…

Eliminating dairy products did not reduce cardiovascular risk

No randomized studies have assessed the effects of changing dairy food intake in the real world of trans, saturated and…

The relationship between saturated fat and diabetes may be more complex than previously thought

According to the results of a large international study published in the journal Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, saturated fatty acids…