
Yogurt is associated with stronger bones and better physical function in older people

“Yogurt and other dairy products are recommended for bone health in dietary guidelines around the world” is one of the…

Dairy foods may bring you a step closer to a stronger old age

You might be looking forward to a long and well-deserved retirement, but where’s the fun if you become frail and…

Can yogurt and milk really protect us from broken bones?

Dairy products such as yogurt and milk have long been seen as foods that pack a healthy punch against the…

Dairy fermentation may hold the key to better prevention and treatment of major diseases

Microbial fermentation of dairy foods guarantees extended shelf life, improves texture and flavour, and gives additional advantages relating to health…

Eating yogurt is linked with healthier bones and physical function in the over-60s

Encouraging the older generation to eat more yogurt could be a valuable public health strategy for maintaining strong bones, say…

Mangano, Kelsey, YINI Grant 2017 awardee

During the 5th Yogurt Summit 2017, held in Buenos Aires during ICN2017, Prof. Kelsey Mangano of University of Massachusetts, Lowell,…

What is better for your bone health?

The food that you eat can affect your bone health and consequently your upcoming quality of life. Researchers from the…

Dairy products and health: beliefs and benefits

More and more people avoid dairy in their diet, due to beliefs arguing that dairy may be detrimental to health.…

The role of yogurt in preventing osteoporosis

Selected for you this week: Benefits of yogurt to prevent osteoporosis, by WebMD. Every week, we bring you valuable quotes…

The bone-healthy diet campaign: yogurt

Yogurt is a source of calcium, vitamin D and proteins, essential nutrients in your daily diet for bone health improvement.