
Diet and lifestyle profile to prevent obesity: a role for yogurt?

Save the date : YINI symposium at the annual conference of the Canadian Nutrition Society on Saturday May 7, 2016…

Scientific consensus on GI method to classify carbohydrate foods

In the context of the 4th Yogurt Summit in April 2016 in San Diego, we publish every week a key-study…

Dr. Vicky Drapeau awarded with Yogurt in Nutrition Grant 2015

We are delighted to announce you that the Yogurt in Nutrition Grant 2015 winner is Dr. Vicky Drapeau from the…

Interview behind the scenes: Prof. Miguel Ángel Martínez González, Universidad de Navarra

Dr. Martinez-Gonzalez is an international renowed physician, epidemiologist, nutrition researcher, and professor at the Department of Public Health at the…

Consumption of dairy products is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality

The latest data from the MONICA and MONA LISA-NUT studies show that consumption of dairy products is linked to a…