
Can yogurt contribute to a long and healthy life?

If you’re a yogurt-lover, research says that you may have chances of living to a ripe old age. Latest research…

Dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases (CVD): what do we know?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) carry a heavy burden in terms of death and morbidity worldwide (1) and diets have a strong…

New must-read article: Dairy Product Consumption and Cardiovascular Health

In a nutshell: The association between dairy products consumption, dairy fats and cardiovascular diseases, remains, despite the level of recent…

New must read abstract: “Dairy product consumption and hypertension risk in a prospective French cohort of women”

IN A NUTSHELL:  Recently published in Nutrition Journal, this study investigated the relation between dairy products consumption and blood pressure,…

De-bunking the myths surrounding full-fat dairy foods

The popular belief that full-fat dairy foods are less healthy than low-fat equivalents may be just a myth, this large…

Yogurt shows promise as part of a healthy lifestyle to control blood pressure

It’s the silent killer that creeps up without warning and you don’t know you have it until you suffer a…

Regular yogurt consumption is associated with reduced heart risk in people with hypertension

Consuming at least 2 servings of yogurt every week, especially as part of a healthy diet, is associated with a…

Yogurt consumption can help to reduce the risk of hypertension

A recent study among American adults found that dairy consumption, including yogurt, may help to control blood pressure and therefore…

The influence of yogurt consumption on blood pressure and hypertension

A study in the United States found that a high intake of yogurt, as part of a healthy diet pattern…

High protein diets lead to lower blood pressure

Adults who consume a high-protein diet may be at a lower risk for developing high blood pressure.