Fermented food

Low-fat or full-fat fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, may benefit cardiovascular health

As latest research questions conventional dietary recommendations on dairy foods due to the properties of dairy fats, fermented dairy products…

Fermented dairy matrix: do live bacteria have a role?

The gut microbiota is gradually revealing its secrets. Its ecosystem contains about 1000 different species of microorganisms, which encode more…

Yogurt effects on health: whole matrix vs single nutrients

Traditionally, the nutritional evaluation of the relation between diet and health has focused on individual food constituents or nutrients separately.…

How yogurt can help you feel good?

If yogurt consumption may have an interest in a balanced healthy diet, recent studies tend to show a surprising effect…

Dairy fermentation may hold the key to better prevention and treatment of major diseases

Microbial fermentation of dairy foods guarantees extended shelf life, improves texture and flavour, and gives additional advantages relating to health…

Research Advocates for Adding Fermented Foods to Food Guide

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, … and of course, fermented milks like yogurt are growing in popularity, propelled by health claims and…

The Role of Fermentation Products in the Health Effects of Yogurt

Numerous epidemiological studies reported that yogurt consumption may be used as a new biomarker of a healthy lifestyle. What could…

Why fermented foods should be represented in nutritional guidelines?

Nutritional guidelines around the globe use very similar methods in presenting their concepts of the “ideal” dietary pattern, and give…

How yogurt consumption impacts gut microbiota

Numerous studies suggest that beneficial bacteria, found in probiotics, exert their health effect through the modulation of the gastrointestinal microbiota.…

Total fermented food is not associated with mortality

Fermented foods represent about one-third of the foods in the human diet. The goal of fermentation in these products is…