Fermented dairy products

New advice on eating fermented dairy foods

Dietary guidelines are changing in recognition of a growing body of evidence pointing to benefits of consuming fermented dairy foods…

Eating to protect your liver: dairy foods may play a role

Out of sight, out of mind, we don’t tend to spare much thought for our liver. But we can’t live…

Overcoming acne: probiotics show promise

We’ve all been there – a hot date coming up and right on cue, the spots have erupted. But for…

Friendly yogurt bacteria may give health a helping hand

Take a stroll through any supermarket these days and you'll see a host of probiotic foods. They contain live microbes…

Do dairy foods lower our risk of diabetes?

As diabetes looms on the horizon for many of us in our modern world, it makes sense to take whatever…

Eat your way to stronger bones: fermented dairy products such as yogurt may help

Bone loss after the menopause poses a problem for many women because weakened bones become prone to breaking later in…