
Sporting performance: can dairy foods help?

Whether you're a sport superstar or a gentle jogger, your diet has a role to play - before, during and…

Sizzling summers bring fatigue… but eating yogurt may revitalise you

Does a scorching hot summer sap your energy and leave you feeling tired and drained? Maybe you suffer from summer…

Plain yogurt has a low energy density

Yogurt is a nutrient dense food and plain yogurt has a low energy density Energy density is the amount of…

Fluid dairy gives more satiety than sugar-sweetened beverages

Satiety is a key issue in the context of obesity, because it can influence an excessif food intake. Liquid form…

Mindful eating : eating with intention and attention

A live interview with Megrette Fletcher, RD and Mindful eating expert, explored the age-old question, why do we eat? Eating…