
Choosing dairy products for breakfast may give a healthy boost

Choosing more dairy products and fewer carb-rich foods for breakfast may hold the key to better health, latest research from…

Can dairy foods help protect us against lung and oral cancers?

If you are regularly eating fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, the chances are that you’ll have reduced risk of…

Overcoming acne: probiotics show promise

We’ve all been there – a hot date coming up and right on cue, the spots have erupted. But for…

Can you eat dairy if you are lactose intolerant?

What is lactose? Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products. It can be broken down…

People who eat yogurt and cheese have a reduced risk of heart disease

A heart-friendly diet can make all the difference to our prospects for a healthy older age and now it seems…

Global study reveals dairy foods are associated with reduced risk of heart disease and stroke

Do you like your dairy foods but worry over scare stories about the saturated fats they contain?  There’s good news.…

Opt for yogurt and cheese to avoid acne, say researchers

If you’re aiming for a great complexion, it may be worth taking a careful look at what you’re eating. Diet…

Yogurt may protect against diabetes, obesity and heart disease by curbing inflammation

You may already be choosing yogurt as a great source of healthy nutrients, especially good for maintaining strong bones. It…

Low-fat or full-fat fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, may benefit cardiovascular health

As latest research questions conventional dietary recommendations on dairy foods due to the properties of dairy fats, fermented dairy products…

Preventing cardiometabolic disease: new insights into the role of fermented dairy foods

A wealth of research is shedding light on how fermented dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese may be associated…