bone density

What are the health benefits of yogurt?

A balanced diet is important to support good health and largely depends on appropriate nutritional and food intakes. Within the…

Building strong bones for life: is your child eating enough dairy products?

Bones don’t tend to spring to mind when it comes to preparing our kids for a long and healthy life.…

Eat your way to stronger bones: fermented dairy products such as yogurt may help

Bone loss after the menopause poses a problem for many women because weakened bones become prone to breaking later in…

Milk may not save you from broken bones – but what about yogurt and the dairy matrix?

As people are living longer, scientists are determined to conquer one of the commonest conditions of old age: fragile bones.…

Can yogurt and milk really protect us from broken bones?

Dairy products such as yogurt and milk have long been seen as foods that pack a healthy punch against the…

Children’s nutrition for optimal bone health

A balanced diet and daily physical activity play a key role in stimulating bone health, but what should be a…

Coming up soon: World Osteoporosis Day 2015

20 October, 2015: Every year, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) organizes a World Osteoporosis Day and a year-long campaign to…

Milk and yogurt consumption are linked with higher bone mineral density

This study from Harvard Medical School examined associations of milk, yogurt, cheese, cream, most dairy and fluid dairy with bone…