
Role of protein and yogurt in appetite control

High protein snacks and satiety

There is building evidence that a higher protein snack may be beneficial, thanks to its potential effects on satiety, and energy intakes in the next meal. A formulation of yogurt enriched with whey protein might further improve the acute satiating effect of yogurt (Tremblay, et al, unpublished data). High protein snacks have been shown to influence subsequent eating[/mks_pullquote] A study by Douglas and colleagues (14) assessed whether an afternoon snack could influence appetite sensations as well as eating initiation at dinner. The investigators randomly provided women with a yogurt snack that varied in protein content (5, 14, or 24 grams) or with no snack. Regardless of protein content, snacking resulted in reduced hunger and increased fullness. Further, hunger was lower and fullness was higher following the consumption of the high-protein yogurt as compared to the low-protein version. Interestingly, consumption of the high-protein snack delayed the onset of eating at dinner as compared to no snacking. While there was no difference in the energy content consumed between the yogurt snacks and no snack throughout the test day, the delayed onset of eating suggests that satiety was higher and the motivation to eat was less following the high-protein snack.


14. Douglas SM, Ortinau, LC, Hoertel HA, et al. Low, moderate, or high protein yogurt snacks on appetite control and subsequent eating in healthy women. Appetite, 2013; 60, 117-122.

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