31 Oct 2016
3 min read
by YINI Editorial team
Bone health

The National Osteoporosis Foundation validates positive effect of calcium on bone development

Bone health Bone mineral content diet guidelines National Osteoporosis foundation nutrition peak bone mass physical activity
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The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) released a position statement, providing strong evidence, which supports a positive effect of calcium intake and physical activity on bone accumulation and growth.

Optimizing peak bone mass

The  manuscript,  titled  “The  National  Osteoporosis  Foundation’s  Position  Statement  on  Peak  Bone  Mass Development  and  Lifestyle  Factors:  A  Systematic  Review  and Implementation  Recommendations”  was  recently published  in  the  journal  of Osteoporosis  International  and it highlights  nutrition,  physical  activity  and  lifestyle  factors, which are involved  in  developing  optimal  peak  bone  mass,*  which  is  typically  reached  in  one’s  early  20’s.

The  authors  used  a  systematic  evidence-based  review  process  to  consider  the  role  of  individual  nutrients, food  patterns,  adolescent  special  issues  (e.g.  contraception),  and  physical  activity  on  bone  mass  and  strength development  in  infants,  children  and  adolescents.  The  report  assigns  a  grade  to  each  of  the  factors  considered and  describes  the  underlying  biology  of  the  relationships.

Calcium intake and physical activity

According  to  the  report,  the  best  evidence  points  to  the  positive  effects  of  calcium  intake  and  physical  activity, especially  during  the  late  childhood  and  peripubertal  years—a  critical  period  for  bone  building.  Good  evidence also  supports  the  positive  role  of  vitamin  D   and dairy consumption and  a  detrimental  effect  of  carbonated  soft  drink  consumption  on building  bone.

The research available for physical activity does not examine the effects of specific types of exercise and few studies examine the dose loading effects of any one type of exercise. Therefore, the authors conclude that physical activity is important for growing bone, but we do not fully understand the characteristics of physical activity that impact bone such as mode, frequency, intensity, and duration.

The  study’s  recommendations  for  physical  activity  to  achieve  peak  bone  mass  support today the  following:

  • Session  duration  =  100  impacts;
  • Frequency  =  3  days  per  week;

Positive effects on bone mineral accretion should be visible after 7 months.

Dairy,  fatty  fish  (salmon,  sardines,  tuna),  fruits  (oranges,  bananas,  prunes),  vegetables  (spinach,  kale,  potatoes) and  calcium  and  vitamin  D  fortified  foods  (juices,  breakfast  foods,  soy  milk)  are considered all  as good  options  for  building  a bone healthy  diet.

To learn more, read the original article.

Source: Weaver et al., Osteoporosis International 2016 ; 27 : 1281 – 1386.

* When you’re young, your body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone, and your bone mass increases. Most people reach their peak bone mass around age 30. After that, bone remodeling continues, but you lose slightly more bone mass than you gain.