According to the recent data on sustainable healthy diets, we have developped a new infographic on the topic.
What is a sustainable healthy diet?
Sustainable healthy diets are dietary patterns that:
- promote all dimensions of individuals’ health and wellbeing
- have a low environmental impact
- are accessible, affordable, safe, equitable and culturally acceptable
How to eat more sustainable?
By reducing wastage and making healthier food choice, we can cut global GHG emission by up to 50%!
- Increase vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, as well as seasonal produce consumptions
- Reduce food waste (1/3 of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted)
- Limit added sugars and empty calories, ultra-processed food and red meat
You can click on each part of the infographic to have it in png version for an easy print and download. You can also download the complete version in pdf below.