14 Jun 2018
2 min de lectura
Intolerancia a la lactosa

¿Si se tiene mala digestión e intolerancia a la lactosa hay que evitar el consumo de lácteos?

dairy lactase lacteos lactosa lactose intolerance mal digestion WGO
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For lactose intolerants and maldigesters, avoidance of milk and dairy products could have health consequences. Many medical organizations recommend that lactose maldigesters and intolerants should not avoid dairy foods in order to prevent nutrients shortcomings. Lactose maldigesters and intolerants should adapt their diet.
Small amounts of lactose can still be consumed without triggering any symptoms. The consumption of yogurt, which contains live bacteria that help digesting the lactose it contains, and of cheeses that contain low or no lactose is possible and even encouraged (cheddar, provolone, mozzarella, etc.).


Lactose-free food or avoidance of dairy food is only needed for the rare infants with congenital lactase deficiency. Total lactase deficiency is rare (less than 50 patients in the world, mainly in Finland). It is a genetic disorder called congenital lactase deficiency.

Lactase supplemented food are also not necessary for lactose maldigesters and lactose intolerants.


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