Consumption of dairy products may be sometimes discouraged by concern about the risk of obesity and CVD.
Some intervention studies have reported that the prevalence of obesity may be in part inversely related to dairy food consumption while others report no association.
This study examined relationships between energy, protein and calcium consumption from dairy foods (milk, yogurt, cheese, dairy spreads, ice-cream) and adiposity (BMI, waist (WC) and hip circumference (HC), % body fat and abdominal fat) in 720 overweight/obese Australian men and women.
Results showed that overall dairy food consumption (g/day) was inversely associated with BMI, % body fat and WC. Dairy protein and dairy calcium (g/day) were both inversely associated with all adiposity measures. Yogurt consumption (g/day) was inversely associated with % body fat, abdominal fat, WC and HC while reduced fat milk consumption was inversely associated with BMI, WC, HC and % body fat.