6 servings of fresh dairy products per week, including yogurt
The objective of this study, led by French scientists from Pasteur Institute and Toulouse hospital research center, was to determine if FDP consumers had specific dietary and nutritional patterns. To this end, they analyzed the dietary records of 986 adults from CCAF 2010 study* in France. They split them into 4 groups depending on their FDP level of consumption. High FDP consumers were defined as ‘people consuming more than 6 servings of FDP per week’ (1 serving of FDP=125g yogurt or 100g of white cheese).
More favorable dietary and nutritional intakes in fresh dairy products consumers
Higher scores of diet quality and better compliance with the French dietary recommendations were observed with increasing FDP consumption. High FDP consumers eat more fruits, fish, legumes, nuts, water and fibers, and less alcohol. Moreover, they have better intakes in 11 micronutrients, including some that are not highly present in FDP such as vitamin C and vitamin B9.
These better food habits together with intrinsic quality of FDP, including yogurt probiotic cultures, may contribute to the observed health benefits of FDP.
*CCAF : « Comportements et Consommations Alimentaires en France », study performed by the CREDOC (Paris).