Fermentation benefits

Animal research reveals effect of yogurt on gut bacteria

A balanced mix of bacteria in the gut helps keep us in tip-top shape, with worrying conditions such as obesity,…

Friendly yogurt bacteria may give health a helping hand

Take a stroll through any supermarket these days and you'll see a host of probiotic foods. They contain live microbes…

In short: Yogurt fermentation as active learning tool

Designing a program relative to food fermentation can offer a good opportunity to introduce to basic principles of microbiology and…

In short: Yogurt and chia seeds : an interesting mix !

A short communication published recently focused on the interest of chia seed extract to be used to supplement yogurt. The…

Review supports health benefits of yogurt for tots and toddlers

When your baby or toddler is tucking into their yogurt, it's good to know they may be enjoying health benefits…

From the last GMFH Summit: Fiber’s role and heart health

For the last Gut Microbiota World Health Summit, held in March 2019 in Miami, top gut health researchers from around…

From last GMFH Summit: the probiotic supplementation effect is unique

For the last Gut Microbiota World Health Summit, held in March 2019 in Miami, top gut health researchers from around…

Can fermented foods boost physical and mental health?

A happy gut means a healthy mind and body. Unlocking all the secrets held in our guts and understanding what…

Can probiotic yogurt prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhoea?

If you’ve ever had to take antibiotics, the chances are you’ve experienced the down-side as well as the benefits. Diarrhoea…

The benefits of fermented foods

At YINI, we discovered many usefull and learning ressources developped by the website Gut Microbiota For Health (GMFH) and wanted…