Sustainable healthy diet and yogurt

Dietary guidance aims for a healthy planet

Choosing a diet that’s less harmful to the environment is one way of contributing to a healthier planet. Dietary guidance…

Sustainable Nutrition may be more than meets the eye

Yogurt as part of sustainable diets: new research tools, metrics, and measures by Prof. Adam Drewnowski (University of Washington, USA)…

Sustainable Diet – what does it mean?

Sustainable Diet – what does it mean? By Dr. Elin Röös (Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden) Summary written by…

Dairy & yogurt as part of sustainable diets

Dairy & Yogurt as part of Sustainable Diets by Dr. Frans J Kok (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) Summary written by…

How to save the world – and live longer

Who wouldn’t want to live longer, feel healthier and protect the planet at the same time? We can achieve all…

There is more to a sustainable diet than saving the planet

Can we really eat a healthy balanced diet and help to look after the planet at the same time? This…

Sustainable diets: the conference at a glance

Which diets are the most sustainable? How is sustainability measured? Does a sustainable diet always imply to avoid animal-based products?…

Replacing cow’s milk with plant-based milks? Make sure you check out their nutrient content

The popularity of plant-based "milks" is on the rise for many reasons, some people choosing them as an alternative to…

YINI Symposium “Sustainable diets”: Meet Frans Kok

YINI experts will gather during ASN annual meeting, Nutrition 2019,  to be held in Baltimore (USA), in June 2019. The…

YINI Symposium “Sustainable diets”: Meet Adam Drewnowski

YINI experts will gather during ASN annual meeting, Nutrition 2019,  to be held in Baltimore (USA), in June 2019. The…