Fermentation benefits

The benefits of fermented foods

At YINI, we discovered many usefull and learning ressources developped by the website Gut Microbiota For Health (GMFH) and wanted…

Gut microbiota and nutrition

At YINI, we discovered many usefull and learning ressources developped by the website Gut Microbiota For Health (GMFH) and wanted…

“Microbiote”: the amazing exhibition about our inside microbial world at the Cité des Sciences, Paris

Since the beginning of December 2018, the Cité des Sciences - the French museum for discovery and scientific culture -…

Scientists unravel the healthy secrets of probiotics

They’re too small to see with the naked eye but it seems they can make the world of difference to…

Which fermented foods contain the most ‘friendly’ bacteria?

Choosing fermented foods such as yogurt can be a great way for us to ingest ‘friendly’ live bacteria that may…

Go to see the Microbiota exhibition at the Cité des Sciences

If you are in Paris between now and  August 4th 2019, the “Yogurt in Nutrition initiative” invites you to go…

Bacteria may hold the key to health benefits of yogurt

Ever wondered what yogurt with live cultures really means for your health? Live yogurt contains trillions of friendly bacteria which…

Unlocking the secrets of yogurt may lead to better prevention of chronic disease

If you eat yogurt, you’re less likely than others to develop a raft of health problems including type 2 diabetes,…

Yogurt may help protect against gastrointestinal disease

 "Yogurt with live culture can contribute to gut health" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the…

Yogurt can deliver millions of live bacteria to the gut

"Yogurt with live cultures can contribute to gut health" is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI board…